Navigate change from the gut
The map and compass of your inner navigation system will get you there
Learn to partner with your inner wisdom &align with change whenever you face it

This isn’t about fitting yourself into a ready-designed mold. Rather, it is about reuniting with the knowing already within you.

Align from your center. Partner with your inner knowing. Launch with joy. Anchor your presence in discernment, clarity & flow. Reconnect to your purpose with confidence and certainty.

Realigning with who you are, with your values, and with the wisdom of your inner navigation system can bring more flow & fun to your relationship with change, goals and aspirations.

Hello, I’m Clark.
I’m here to help you make more satisfying decisions by learning to partner with your inner wisdom.
Three things I like are homemade pie, mechanical pencils & puns. I’m a gut coach. (A what coach?) Gut, or as I think of it, the core compass of knowing and the inner navigation system within each of us.
I work with people who feel stuck, drained, uninspired and unfulfilled with where they’re at in life and/or a career & who have tried to make a change but that change hasn’t taken flight. I’m all about alignment & action from the gut. And having fun!
With a variety of self-reflective, exploratory, creative and clarifying tools, we ‘gut’ you back in alignment so you launch with more certainty, flow and clarity.
Change Is Relational.
Most of us can navigate small changes easily. Sometimes, even larger changes. Sometimes, we need help.
And here’s the scoop, phrased so powerfully by Coach Michael Bungay Stanier: “There is nothing inherently easy or hard about the type of change or the thing–it is our relationship to it.”
mic drop, right?

Being out of alignment with your inner navigation system is uncomfortable.
A tad meshuga
Feeling out of sorts & out to lunch
A tad unsettled
Like ants in your pants
A tad unsure
Feeling ‘meh’ & mismatched

It takes guts.
You have what it takes.
Have you ever wondered what else is in your G-U-T?
I have & started a list of possibilities…
Gracious Understanding Teammate
Generative Universal Teacher
Gifting Us Trajectory
Growth Uniting Transformation

Change is an inside job. Literally.
The voice from within often communicates without words.

Listening is a transformative tool.
I can help you tune in to your unique frequency & get started on change that is authentic and embodied.