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About Clark

When I quit my job five years ago I had no idea what was next. I felt stuck. Really stuck. But I knew something had to change. Did I feel like I was making a risky change? Yep. Did I think financial strife or underemployment would ruin me? Yep. Did I have to battle my own demons of inadequacy and fear? Absolutely, though lately when they knock on my door, I challenge them to a lip sync battle.

Beyond the symptoms of burnt out and disillusion was a vision I couldn’t get rid of, no matter how much I tried to ignore it. Why was I ignoring it? Because it was terrifying to conceive of how to make it a reality. Eventually, following my hope and vision led to becoming a coach.

In retrospect, quitting my job bolstered my confidence. I proved to myself that I am a capable badass who can do new and scary things and still survive. But Clark, lots of people make big changes all.the.time. Yes, of course they do. The kicker is this: until I did it for myself, there was no way I could have believed it was possible.

I’m a gut coach. (A what coach?) Gut, or as I think of it, the core compass of knowing and the inner navigation system within each of us. It’s easy to disconnect. The work is to attune/align/reconnect to the knowing already in us. As a coach, I help you align with change however and whenever it shows up. My goal? To bring awareness to the table. My CliftonStrengths™ are: Empathy, Connectedness, Developer, Input & Individualization. In other words: I get you. I see your awesomeness. I’m an idea alchemist. Cookie-cutter /one size-fits- all approaches are not my jam.

Speaking of change: twenty years ago, I transitioned from female to male. I’m a gay man. Queer and feminist lenses inform much of how I make sense of the world. I believe in intersectionality. I’m still learning how to be anti-racist.

I like lists for their practical and aesthetic properties, so here’s more of what you get with me:

  • Curious, curious, curious about this, that, and that other thing too.
  • Scorpio moon & Capricorn sun: let’s go deep and let’s get shit done.
  • Generally optimistic, but also salty enough to go there with you.
  • Follows the recipe when baking but unafraid to substitute/experiment/add nuts/put it in a muffin tin.
  • Cocktail parties and small-talk? Nah, I’ll pass.
  • Strengths-based approach.
  • A believer that change is relational.
  • An INFJ.